Sunday, November 8, 2009

my first carved pumpkin

If you drive to our house from Warsaw you will most likely pass through a small town where most of the Warsaw expat community lives...No wonder that right next to the road we encountered a store selling seriously overpriced pumpkins. I would have never bought a pumpkin for carving but we had two American experts in the car with us so we ended up with a pumpkin. One way or the other - the little monster ended up looking great. He  should have been awarded the pumpkin of the village award. All those traditions related to death are quite perplexing. Halloween a day before Saints day and then to top it all we went to see The Tibetan Book of the Dead. One thing is sure - until now for billions of years nobody has ever managed to escape the cycle of being born and dying. At least in that sense we are all very equal. Including the poor pumpkin (more pix in our flickr gallery).