I have managed unintentionally to find a connection between the origins of my grandfather's ancestors (remember the post about visiting Ukraine) and the partitioning of Poland (that part of Ukraine went to Austrian's and Hungarians in the 19th century).
The connection is called Leon Bilinski and used to be the finance minister of Austrian Hungarian Empire and later on the Director of Polish National Bank...
Check it out - though the Polish version is much more extensive than the English...
The connection is called Leon Bilinski and used to be the finance minister of Austrian Hungarian Empire and later on the Director of Polish National Bank...
Check it out - though the Polish version is much more extensive than the English...
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Bili%C5%84ski - Polish version
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Bili%C5%84ski - English version
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Bili%C5%84ski - English version