Thursday, June 4, 2009

Back to business

Back to business - this short phrase explains why it is so hard even to write the blog. In the meantime in order to deprive ourselves of free time we moved to Szczecin in the north western part of Poland. It took us ages to find an apartment and in the end we made sort of a mistake with our choice. Since there is no way out of it for the next 12 months I guess we have to live with the choice. It will make us appreciate the next flat better.

About business - Rita has her own company and in that sense became independent. I think she likes it. Suddenly buying things became cheaper as we get VAT etc. back but suddenly all we own is kind of company property.

My life on the other hand is confronted with the absurdity of Polish law. Starting a new manufacturing plant made me understand why for 20 years it is impossible to build highways in this country even if the government has money for it. Talking about all sorts of permits makes me feel like in the good communist comedy from the eighties (I guess only people from the former communist block will understand what I am talking about). The rest are lucky not to know and should feel chosen not to have this pleasure. It is in general kind of schizofrenic experience because you have shopping malls and on the other hand places which survived 20 years without any changes (visit hotel Brda in Bydgoszcz where we went for Macy Gray concert?!)

Alternatively check some former communist companies that still exist - I suggest Famabud in Szczecin or one of the shipyards perhaps...We might even start a travel agency offering such tours. I find it fascinating. Below the beauty we found in our room at Hotel Brda...Classic...

As absurd as things are in Poland one has to say that things are also quite comic in some other places. I had a chance to visit Amsterdam a couple of days ago and noticed that in coffeeshops you can still smoke joints but only without tobacco. If you want to smoke with tobacco or cigarettes you have to step out onto the street :))) - this is what you call real civilization.

A fringe benefit of moving to the north of Poland is the fact that we are one hour drive from the seaside. Things did change there during the last 20 years - but still finding a decent place to relax is quite difficult. If you feel like having a good coffee in a place with nice ambience - well Polish seaside is still not the place to go (we found only one and we have visited already around 10 different villages/towns around here. If you feel like going for cheap holidays then you found the place. Most of the huts serving food even upgraded the plastic chairs to wooden ones :)) And the fish is great!!!

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