Monday, January 7, 2008


Landing in Mumbai was way less of a shock than landing in Delhi considering my two previous trips to India. Perhaps because they have set high targets for themselves (vide photo). Hard to imagine though that this would be a serious objective for the locals because I have never imagined that the mess around would bother them at all - great to be wrong. Anyway Mumbai is much cleaner and much more organized than Delhi. We had a two hour walk yesterday through the center without having to turn down more than a dozen special offers of local handicraft etc. In Delhi almost impossible. One other thing that is common though for both of the cities - lack of need of silence - the good thing is that you get woken by a cock but what comes later is a mixture of hard rock trash metal from the street :) -

Considering though that we were supposed to be well prepared for at least the first day of our honeymoon trip, I must say we slightly failed. Neither was it easy to find a mode of transportation to the center, nor the hotel where we hoped to live had any rooms free. Seems that it is still high touristic season in Mumbai as the weather is very pleasant (SUNNY!!). We had some local food in the evening (100 choices on the menu while you have no idea about more than two) - I call it culinary exploration. By the way seems that on Sunday most of the places were closed here - came as quite a surprise to us. You would think that the new emerging states are the ultra liberal ones with everything open 24/7 and we could not even find an internet cafe.

Although as mentioned earlier Mumbai is less of a mental shock, it seems it was a big enough shock for my body since tonight I managed to get some fever - I have already done some pathology blood etc. tests to get to know whether some aliens already manage to inhabit my body. The results will come later tonight. For the time being we go and buy train tickets to Goa. I need a bit of silence and it seems neither of the three big cities we have visited during last three weeks can really provide it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds curiously and it is remindig me my first days in Asia