Friday, August 8, 2008

Cusco - the coldest day ever

Today was the God damn coldest day ever here - it was raining for the whole night and the day was way too cold to be called a nice day. One had to make it through mud up to your ankles to get to school (it was raining whole night) - half of the kids therefore did not show up in school...

So finally we are the proud owners of a small heater!!! It uses a hell of energy but today was way over the limit of my endurance in terms of coldness...

Tomorrow 7.08am, I am going to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics. We have cable TV in the center so I kind of started being more up-to-date with the most important things in the world (CNN just aired a story about a dog killed by some mad man to a local mayor in the US of whom I have never heard). It is a perfect way of wasting time. Anyway no zapping of channels since we have no remote control and it takes around 10 minutes to move from first channel to the 99th standing in front of it...

Anyway after the opening ceremony (or rather in the middle of it) we will go to school for the arts day which we decided to introduce...we will make small puppets with the kids - photos coming up - international delivery possible :)))

Good thing is I started talking sort of broken Spanish - somehow till now I could not do it...though I still say Russian "paka" to kids when finishing school...somehow it comes out automatically...

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